The chronicles of a Florida middle-school teacher who has had all he can take.
(Or should it be "Administrator, leave those teachers alone"?
Published on February 10, 2004 By Disgruntled Teacher In Welcome
Are you a public school teacher who actually finds it unusual that:

* kids who are decades younger than you are allowed to cuss you out, leave your room at will, or generally disrupt your class with no dire consequences?

* you don't have enough fingers or toes to count the number of students' parents who have told you, "Do what you have to, I can't do anything with him/her"?

* administrators routinely let students' defiant behavior slide by and then try to blame *you* for it?

* you are made to teach "rituals and routines," "performance standards," and other buzzword-y concepts along with or in place of your primary subject matter?

* the general public doesn't care or want to listen to you spout off about any of the above?

Then you've definitely come to the right blog!
on Feb 12, 2004
My daughters' left high school and went to community college. Although some of the topic were more adult than they liked, overall they had a good experience, there was none of the harrassment from other students, if they couldn't finish a class because of illness, they could drop it and then could take classes at their level. Unfortunately, community college teachers get paid less than public school teachers, so it is a sacrifice to choose to teach at that level.

Public schools would be better if taught in that manner. Students who refused to learn, could be put in basket weaving classes until they decided that learning English was more important than disrupting the other students.